Posted tagged ‘Rap’

Fear the Boom and Bust


Via NPR’s Planet Money:

a story about a cable tv producer from New Jersey, a podcasting libertarian economist, an international pop superstar and the two dead economists who brought them all together.

The Planet Money podcast is highly recommended. Always interesting and never failing to inform or make you think about economics in new ways.

The Rap Guide to Evolution


Rap Guide to Evolution cover

After winning critical acclaim for his award winning Rap Canterbury Tales, Baba Brinkman has leveraged his “Lit Hop” skills for The Rap Guide to Evolution.  Commissioned for the 2009 Cambridge Darwin Festival in honor of Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday, The Guide is a “peer-reviewedhip-hop exploration of modern evolutionary biology. He is offering the CD as a free promotional download during the month of August.  If you miss that, you can also try the special The Naked Scientist podcast for his performance at the Cambridge Darwin Festival.

10 Performance
20 Feedback
30 Revision
40 goto 10

LHR for the LHC


Rappin’ about CERN’s Large Hadron Collider!